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The Connection Between Athletes & Poor Oral Health

Athletes are typically praised for their high level of wellness and health. However, did you know athletes tend to have more teeth-related issues than most? A recent study found that untreated tooth decay and gum inflammation was still prevalent among elite athletes despite regular brushing and flossing. Keep reading for some athlete related dental advice from Dr. Gordon

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Can I Still Wear My Retainer if it Feels Tight?

Wearing your retainer is a crucial part of maintaining your new smile after your braces treatment is completed. However, your teeth can shift over time, especially if you neglect wearing your retainer. If you stop wearing your retainer and want to start again or it begins to feel tight, you can still wear it – in certain instances.

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What is the Difference Between a Dentist and an Orthodontist?

Many people don’t know the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist. This confusion is common because both doctors work on teeth. However, it is important to understand the difference between them. When you have a problem with your teeth, jaws, or gums, it is important that you are seeing the right professional for your needs. Learn more

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What to Expect at an Orthodontic Evaluation

Orthodontics is a great way to get the smile of your dreams! Beyond cosmetic improvements, orthodontics can help correct jaw conditions, bite dysfunctions, and crooked teeth. If you or your child are experiencing any of these issues, an orthodontist may be able to help. Additionally, oral health is very important and an orthodontist can help to keep your

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Can Pacifiers and Thumb Sucking Affect My Child’s Teeth?

Many people wonder how pacifiers and thumb sucking can affect their child’s teeth. In short, it is a valid worry because if these actions are prolonged it can cause oral health issues. Thumb sucking or pacifier use is one of an infant’s natural reflexes, prolonged sucking can exert force on the teeth and jaws. To learn more about

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Why Do Straight Teeth Matter?

Straight teeth help to create a beautiful smile. However, straight teeth actually do so much more than provide a great smile. Teeth are made to fit together in a certain way. If they don’t fit together properly, they can’t function properly, which can lead to a variety of oral health problems. To learn more about the importance of

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Should I Floss or Brush First?

Most likely you’ve heard that you should be brushing and flossing your teeth daily. However, should brushing come before flossing or vice versa? According to recent studies, researchers have found that flossing before brushing may be the most effective way to remove dental plaque. This sequence also makes your tooth enamel stronger by increasing the fluoride concentration delivered

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5 Items To Have On Hand In Case of a Dental or Orthodontic Emergency

Our teeth, and braces, can encounter a lot when we’re out living our lives. These activities are not limited to: sporting events, pizza crust, cake and ice cream at birthday parties, and maybe even a hot dog eating contest. Fortunately, our teeth are strong and often allow us to go through these activities without too many major problems. 

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The Effects of Electronic Cigarettes on Teeth

It is common knowledge that smoking tobacco is bad for our teeth and mouths. Smoking drastically increases your risk for several things, including oral cancer and gum disease. However, it is important to know these side effects do not go away with e-cigarettes. Read on to learn more about why vaping is bad for your teeth from Dr.

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